You get showered and shave or put on your makeup. You put on your best clothes and make sure your hair is perfect. You quickly glance at your watch.
You'd better hurry up, your pimp (job) is waiting and you better not be late.
Time to go strut that ass and give Sweet Daddy his money.
Your pimp promises you the world. "If you work hard for me baby, I'll make all your dreams come true!"
"A big house, a luxury car, it could all be yours!"
"Stick with me, you're going straight to the top!"
You bust your ass (pun intended) each and everyday hoping that one day your pimp will see your true potential.
You get up when he tells you to get up, you pee when he lets you, you go to lunch when he lets you, and the majority of your every waking moment revolves around making him happy.
Sweet Daddy says you have to wake up early because an important client is coming to town, and you do it.
Sweet Daddy says you have to work late and miss your kid's game, and you do it.
Sweet Daddy doesn't care if you spend quality time with your spouse. Sweet Daddy could care less about your health, or spending time with your kids.
As a matter of fact, if you were to drop dead right now....Sweet Daddy gives zero fucks. Some of you are literally killing yourselves working at a job that doesn't give a damn about you. Sure, they might say a few nice words about you when you pass away, but within 2 weeks they'll hire your replacement.
All Sweet Daddy cares about is his money.
Woe be unto you if you don't bring Sweet Daddy his money.
The reward for busting your ass day after day for an entire year?
A three percent raise, if you're lucky.
Nevermind the cost of living increases anywhere from three to five percent each year depending on where you live. You'll take that three percent and shut the hell up, grateful for the few scraps thrown your way.
Even though you know you aren't being treated fairly, you're surrounded by other whores doing the same thing so it all looks normal.
You see all the others whores streetwalking to Starbucks each morning, so you figure being a whore is who you were meant to be.
I mean, why not?
Everybody else is doing it, right?
Your parents are no help because they were whores too, and they're proud you're following in the family business. They've had their heads in Sweet Daddy's lap for so long they don't know any different.
Your parents' advice is: "Just keep your head down honey. Keep tapdancing for dollars, contributing to your 401k, and save for a rainy day. Give up 40 years of your life now, and you'll get to enjoy 10, or maybe even 20 years of retirement! Be sure to buy some knee pads, it makes things easier!"
You secretly start talking with the other whores in your office, and you talk about how frustrated you are.
It won't work though, the other whores have been brainwashed and beaten into submission. They're frustrated too, but not frustrated enough to leave. Sweet Daddy's got them hooked with free coffee and snacks, so they're not going anywhere.
They caution you with disastrous tales of other whores who tried to leave Sweet Daddy and just ended up coming back.
If word gets out that you're trying to leave, Sweet Daddy places his comforting hand on your shoulder to pull you back in. He talks to you in that smooth, reassuring, calming voice you've heard many times:
"Hey baby, are you sure that's a smart move? I mean, it's cold outside...and other people might not look out for you like I do. You know what, you've been working real hard baby and I think you deserve a promotion! We have a management spot opening up, and I think you'll be the perfect fit."
Remember how you worked fifty hours a week to earn that promotion? Now you're working sixty hours a week as a bottom....umm....err...."manager".
A pimp gives his whores JUST enough love so they'll stay, and your job pays you JUST enough money so you won't quit. You don't like to think about it, but you know it's the truth.
The truth hurts doesn't it?
The truth will always set you free, but first it will piss you off.
I hope you're pissed off while reading this.
I hope you're so mad RIGHT NOW that you decide enough is enough.
When are you going to finally wake up and demand more from yourself? When are you going to stop being scared to share your talent, dreams and passion with the world?
As a kid, there's not a single one of you that said, "When I grow up, I'm going to spend 20-30 years working at a job I'm not passionate about just so I can pay bills" or "I hope I can work 50-60 hours a week and not spend time with my friends or family."
What if people like Elon Musk, Thomas Edison, or Oprah were too scared to take a leap of faith? Some of you have become so scared of failure that you're paralyzed by it.
When are you going to stop saying "This is going to be my year" every January and finally take action?
You weren't meant to just pay bills and die.
You owe it to yourself to become the person you were meant to be.